Chad Kroeger Clings To Relevancy



Nickelback frontman, Chad Kroeger, attempted to crush Corey Taylor‘s two bands, Slipknot and Stone Sour, in a recent interview with Sweden’s Metal Covenant. See the full video interview below.

As you’ve likely heard, Chad was discussing the diversity of Nickelback’s sound (which is a questionable statement) and when he asked the interviewer to name a more diverse band, the interview proposes Stone Sour. That seemed to have flicked a switch in Chad… and let the diatribe of ridiculous comments begin.

Chad challenges Corey to “write a hit song,” which Corey has done more than once with both his bands. Then he starts in on Slipknot and their gimmick of wearing masks, saying that:

They had to put on masks and jump around. How good can your music be if you’ve gotta beat each other up on stage, throw up in your own masks every night…? I mean, music shouldn’t come with a gimmick; music should just be music. None of my favorite music comes with a gimmick…

OK, let’s stop right there for a moment. None of your favorite music comes with a gimmick? Give me a break. You can’t tell me that the formulaic sound of Nickelback and/or Chad Kroeger doesn’t have any roots in Def Leppard or AC/DC. Def Leppard may not have a gimmick, other than a one-armed drummer (and that’s more tragic than gimmick), but AC/DC certainly has a gimmick (schoolboy Angus anyone?). Plus, there’s no way you can tell me that a “rocker” at age 42 hasn’t been influenced by the likes of KISS, Alice Cooper, Iron Maiden, Motley Crue, and countless others. Hell, even The Beatles had a gimmick in their time.

Let’s continue, Chad:

And he got tired of sitting behind a mask — he wanted people to know what he looks like — so he started Stone Sour.

Stop, stop, stop. Everybody knows that Stone Sour was formed in 1992, which was five years before Corey Taylor joined Slipknot, which had formed in 1995. Just put that foot in your mouth, Chad.


Speaking of feet, Taylor has since responded, stating that “[Chad] has got a face like a foot. Am I wrong?” Well, that’s not the extent to Taylor’s response, starting with:

You know what? I’ve never said it was easy to write a hit song. I don’t know what the hell planet he’s living on. Apparently it’s Planet Kroeger, and there must be good weed there, ’cause he’s an idiot.

Taylor also said that he went online and started reading all the comments about Chad’s comments and determined that “I don’t have to say a damn thing — he is not a liked person.”

Taylor basically concluded his response with:

Dude, curl up in bed with your Hello Kitty pillow and shut up.

So, what’s your take on this feud between frontmen? Seems to me that Chad is attempting to drum up attention for Nickelback’s newly released album, Feed the Machine, because who knew they had a new album out? Although this feud between Chad and Taylor has been going on for a while, it does seem like a desperate grasp for relevance on Chad’s part.

Rock Hard \m/

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