Ministry’s Al Jourgensen Collapses On Stage

Al Jourgensen

Al Jourgensen – Credit: Paul Bergen, Getty Images

During a show in Paris on July 29th, Ministry’s Al Jourgensen collapsed mid-set. The official report claims that it was the result of extreme dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Blood test results at the hospital indicate that Jourgensen had a below than normal blood alcohol level and there were no signs of narcotics in his system. However, some posts by fans on the Internet indicate that Jourgensen didn’t exactly look dehydrated and that what he was drinking on stage wasn’t water. Whatever that’s supposed to mean. Truth is that Jourgensen could have been dehydrated and didn’t recognize the symptoms. As dehydration progresses, one typically stops sweating, which may be interpreted as being fine. Of course, there are other accompanying symptoms that should have raised a red flag.

Jourgensen has stated that he intends to complete the tour, and he should be up and going for Ministry’s next concert date, July 31st, in Switzerland.

Ministry’s management have released the following statement:

Ministry frontman Al Jourgensen collapsed on-stage during the live Ministry performance and was rushed to hospital via ambulance where he was examined by numerous physicians and diagnosed to have had a full-system collapse due to extreme dehydration and heat exhaustion intensified by the lack of ventilation on stage at the venue. Doctors confirm via blood tests conducted that Jourgensen’s alcohol blood levels were well below normal and no narcotics were found in his system. As a result, Ministry has cancelled today’s appearance at the L’Etaples France Rock en Stock Festival in order to allow Mr. Jourgensen a few days rest to recuperate and receive additional medical attention in Switzerland. Jourgensen fully intends to complete the remaining shows on the Ministry DeFiBriLlaTouR European leg.

Jourgensen extends his most sincere apologies to his devoted Parisian fans who displayed so much love, respect and concern for him before and after the Ministry show. Says Jourgensen: “I will make it up to you, somehow. I love Paris, I love the Parisian people. I’m so sorry …but, sh– happens and the sh– hit the fan for me last night.”

Rock Hard \m/

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