Lamb Of God Pay Tribute With The Duke


This whole thing is cyclical, in a pay-it-forward kind of way. It’s very sad and tragic how this particular story came about, but the ultimate good it could do is intangible. In our world’s current climate of hostility, heartwarming stories such as this one are more than welcome.

If you haven’t heard, Lamb of God has a new EP, The Duke, on the way this November 25th. If you already know this, then you might also know that the EP’s title track was written in honor of and in memory of Randy Blythe’s late friend Wayne Ford, whose father named him after John Wayne, aka, “The Duke.”

Although Blythe and Wayne were friends, it wasn’t a friendship born in the traditional sense. As Blythe puts it:

A little while ago I became friends with a fan named Wayne Ford – he was terminal – leukemia. I talked with him often, even video chatted him into the studio. He was very calm about his impending death, and we discussed it very openly. I learned a lot from him. This song is for him.

You can stream the new track “The Duke” and read an in-depth, exclusive interview about The Duke EP with Randy Blythe now via Rolling Stone.

Exclusive pre-order bundles for The Duke EP, including CD and vinyl versions, are available here. Pre-orders on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and other digital retailers are also available.


In conjunction with The Duke EP release, Lamb of God will be offering the following items with all proceeds going to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society:
– Randy Blythe’s Ashes of the Wake gold record plaque
– Signed signature model guitars
– Signed copies of handwritten lyrics
– Signed copies of The Duke EP on CD
– Signed copies of The Duke EP on Vinyl
– Signed copies of Randy Blythe’s book
– Plus more

The charity campaign is being hosted via and launched on October 21st. For more information, please visit

Rock Hard \m/

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