4 Days Left To Get Behind MUCK: Feast Of Saint Patrick

Steven Wolsh’s MUCK — starring Kane Hodder (Friday the 13th VII, VIII, Jason Goes to Hell, Jason X, Hatchet I-III), Jaclyn Swedberg, Lauren Francesca — won’t hit theaters until Friday the 13th, March 2015, but its sequel, MUCK: Feast of Saint Patrick, is already in pre-production.

muck - kane hodder and constance nune

Once again written and directed by Steven Wolsh, the prequel needs your help, and you only have four days left to show your support. With $210,109 already pledged, they need roughly $40,000 of funding. Although the promise that Feast of Saint Patrick will be “even bigger, bloodier, and better than the original” should be enough of an incentive, you should go to the team’s Kickstarter page and check out the bad-ass rewards. I mean really, how can you say no to the possibility of going with the MUCK team to a party at the Playboy Mansion or a personalized message from a Playboy Playmate or a mention in the movie’s credits or even your own death scene courtesy of Kan Hodder? There are really too many rewards for us to list here, so go check them out and give a MUCK.

muck - constance nune, Raquel Pomplun, Kennedy Summers

Also, check out the official MUCK website.

Until you MUCK up the balls to fund, enjoy the MUCK trailer in the player above and some of the tasty pics we’ve included here. Tell us if we’re wrong, but with a resolved refusal to use CGI, ample use of blood, and tons of sex appeal, this looks like an old-school horror movie done right.

muck - feast of saint patrick - jaclyn swedberg

Remember, there are only four days left for you to become a part of MUCK: Feast of Saint Patrick!

muck - feast of saint patrick - kennedy summers

muck - feast of saint patrick - leeanna vamp

muck - feast of saint patrick - raquel pomplin

Rock Hard \m/

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