Campaign Hours Revealed For The Evil Within

The Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotsThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within ScreenshotThe Evil Within Screenshot

Over the next two months, get ready to spend many hours in front of the TV playing hotly anticipated video games such as Destiny, Alien: Isolation, and The Evil Within. You’ll most likely start with Destiny since it drops next month, but if you’re low on cash and need to select the right game for you depending on the hours it will require to finish the campaign, then you might want to consider waiting for The Evil Within.

Since Destiny’s single player campaign isn’t the primary focus for Bungie because it’s more an online shared world game, the hours of gameplay online could vary between 20 hours to 60 hours depending on how you explorer the universe and how many times you replay the game. Apparently, Bungie invested lots of time developing Destiny to provide enough replay value so that players will be able to return to the shared-world first-person shooter.

If you’re not looking for a game that will take up all your evening hours and is a lot more straight forward without the option of going online, Alien: Isolation and The Evil Within are excellent choices. Both are campaign focused with plenty of scares in the game that promises to make you jump out of your seat a few times throughout the campaign.

The Evil Within Cover Art

According to publisher Bethesda Softworks, The Evil Within will take you between 15-20 hours to complete depending on the difficulty setting and play style you decide to go with. Very much similar to the length of Alien: Isolation, which was also confirmed for 15 hours of gameplay.

A $20 DLC pass for The Evil Within was announced earlier last week that will give players access to three expansion, these will easily boost the hours of gameplay as well.

The Evil Within launches on October 14 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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