Red Band Trailer For Machete Kills – Shit Just Hit The Fan [VIDEO]

This is starting to look cheap as fuck, but at least we know it’s intentional and Machete Kills is going to bring it in terms of human carnage. Well, at least that’s what I’m getting from this new red band trailer for the sequel that stars Danny Trejo, and a number of high-profile Hollywood actors.

Only Robert Rodriguez can pull this genre off, and I’m glad he can because we would be stuck with another remake or comic book adaption. Hollywood lacks originality these days, and Machete Kills definitely breaks there mold. I’ve been sold on the film since the day Mel Gibson was cast, he even steals the spotlight in this trailer. Gibson is “a genuine, high-caliber fucker-people-upper”, and I second that.

Machete Kills drops in theaters next month on October 11, 2013.

Check it out!

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