Bambu Suicide – credit: suicidegirls.com
Because Mondays suck – Here’s your suicide solution.
Please leave a comment in the designated section below to tell us what you think of our sexy selection.
What constitutes a “favorite” Suicide Girl? Well, she has to meet a few of our standards: She should be fairly heavily tattooed and/or pierced, into one or more of our topics of interest (heavy metal/hardcore rap, horror/sci-fi/action movies, MMA, and/or specific types of video games), and seemingly interesting as a person (as best as we can judge from the brief bio SuicidGirls sends us), and sexy.
Why SuicideGirls? They say it best: “SuicideGirls is a community that celebrates Alternative Beauty and alternative culture from all over the world.” Hey, we’re into that subculture thing too.
Don’t forget to click on the thumbs to see larger versions of the pictures.
And if you want to see these girls in all their sexy glory, join SG via this link.
Astoria Suicide
Age: 22 (March 25, 1990)
Location: UK
Hometown: Cheltenham, living in Cardiff

Occupation: Student
Stats: 5’6″, 125 lbs, size 10 (UK), shoe size 5.5
Body mods: Tats: Cherry blossoms on wrist, cupcakes behind ears, script on hip, bow around ankle, peacock and phoenix planned for the back of my hips and thighs. Piercings: Ears twice, navel, and lip
Gets me hot: Playing rough, public naughtiness, kissing my neck
Favorite position: Doggy or legs over shoulders. No question!
Fantasy: I love rough sex, tie me up and choke me, restrain my arms behind my back and pull my hair… My most bizarre fantasy is wearing nothing but a huge squirrel tail and ears being fucked from behind standing up by someone dressed as a Buckingham Palace guard right outside Big Ben. And to have people watching and taking pictures!
My pigeonholes: Crafty, tattooed, pierced, metalhead, geek, fetish, gamer
5 things I can’t live without: Sex, my xBox, my iPad, cigarettes, friends
I spend most of my free time: Procrastinating, having sex, playing xBox, on my iPad, on Facebook, in my underwear, planning for the
zombie apocalypse
Bands: Black Stone Cherry, Buckcherry, Skindred, Pendulum,
Metallica, Alterbridge, Trivium, Tenacious D, Airbourne, Disturbed
Films: Zombieland, The Reaping, Shaun of the Dead, 28 Days Later, R.E.D, Crank, Transporter
TV shows: The Walking Dead, Big Bang Theory, Fringe, American Dad, Family Guy, The Secret Circle, Hustle, The Simpsons
Video games: Left 4 Dead and L4D 2, All
COD games,
Dead Island, Dead Rising, Fable 2 and 3,
Gears of War 2
Bambu Suicide can torture us any day…
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