Arnold Schwarzenegger Pranks Fans For Terminator Genisys

Arnold Schwarzenegger is once again returning as the Terminator in the fifth installment, Terminator Genisys, but ahead of the films premiere next month the former Governator is pulling pranks on fans as a Terminator wax statue to raise money for the After-School All-Stars program. The prank itself is pretty damn weak, but it fools enough people to entertain our lazy-asses at home.

There’s still one day left to donate, if you decide to support, then you’ll have a chance to win the grand prize, which is a ride with Arnold to the Terminator Genisys premiere. In addition, the winner also gets to drink Schnapps with Arnold at the exclusive star-studded after party.

Terminator Genisys hits theaters on July 1, 2015.

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